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stuff about me
my lil sis's diary
ma kate's diary
zoe's diary!


...has been a while... - 11.02.2007
Lots of bollocks about tattoos and piercings... - 14.01.2007
Hip Hop Happy New Year! (a photo entry) - 06.01.2007
I look Eastern....apparently - 13.12.2006

About Me

My name is louisa, lou, loubee, lube, loubeedoo, loulou le bleu moo moo poo too...thanks kate...I'm 24, from Birmingham, I kinda live with my boyfriend and our 15 month old staffy puppy (fletch)...I'm messed up and full of rage, confident, and outgoing, but shy and a loner at the same time. I'm weird. And I'm proud of it. I waffle too much and I use weird punctuation far too frequently. You don't have to be mental to understand me, but it helps...



Another lazy Sunday afternoon...

...written on 26.03.2006, @ 4:22 p.m.

21 days�hut hut hut�.21 days�hut hut hut

that�s supposed to be my rendition of So Solid Crew�s �21 seconds (hut hut hut)��did you see me on the video? Oh no! Did you see me on the video? oh no!�but why? Because�.it�s my birthday in 21 days! I�m starting the countdown now�three weeks tomorrow! WOO!! Okay, that�s enough�but I can�t help it.

Matt wanted to know what I wanted and I don�t like answering questions like that because I don�t want to know what I�m getting. In the end I gave in and said that I really would like a digital camera�I pointed one out that I liked and what did the wonderful man do? He showed me one he�d been thinking about for me that was totally amazing, and just what I wanted, and loads better than the one I�d picked myself�take a look!!!

Yay! I�m so pleased! I�ve told him that he can buy it or not buy it (he was a bit hesitant about whether I really wanted it) but not to tell me so that I�m surprised either way :o) if he doesn�t get it for me I�m sooooo buying it myself the day after my birthday! It�s gorgeous for the money, and although it�s only got digital zoom (zooms in on the pixels, rather than the lens apature (or whatever) changing, so the pic isn�t as sharp if you use the zoom) I�ve got my real camera (as opposed to this fake one! Ha ha) for when I�m doing stuff like zooming in and being arty farty.

Still have no clue what to do on the day though�I haven�t been to the safari park in ages so maybe that�s an idea??? :o)


We went to see my Granddad a week ago�I haven�t written about it up until now because I haven�t had time. It was all very weird. He didn�t know who we were again and things in the home were just as bad as dad says they always are. People calling out for stuff and the nurses pretty much ignoring them and getting on with what they�re doing until a visitor has to go over and point out that an inmate (that is how I think of them�prisoners of their bodies, prisoners of the SHRUBBERY!) has shit herself. Yes, Dad had to call to a nurse and say �Do you realise that Jackie has shit herself and has been shouting it at you for 5 minutes?��

Granddad is so so so paranoid it�s untrue. Half of what he says isn�t very clear, but it was obvious that he was going on about people watching us, people trying to steal our tea, people trying to keep US there if we tried to leave. When we got up to go he was telling us to hurry �Gaaa�on clear out! �fore they�mumble mumble��

It was amusing in a painful kind of way. I hate him being there but there�s not much I can really do about it. He�s probably in the best place but gahhhhh grrrr and noises of that nature. He didn�t recognise us, but he seemed happy to see us at first, and was pretty talkative (even if most of it was about what other people were doing in the room)�I feel bad that I haven�t been to see him since Christmas Eve, but it was awful that one time I went. He pretended to be asleep the whole time so he didn�t have to talk to me and I stayed there an hour holding his hand and listening to an old woman shouting �Tell him to talk to you! He�s pretending the old so and so! Tell him to wake up!��also grrr and gaaahhhh!!!

to cheer myself up I�ve been putting pictures on my laptop and on diaryland today! Woohoo, so, here we go, things of wonderfulness�

This is my air freshener and my little driving buddy�he smells all lovely and sherbety. Kate reckons he looks stoned due to the amount of smoking that gets done in my car�I must admit, it is quite pungent most of the time�but I think he�s just dazed by my amazing driving skill�or by my foul language!

SOME of my notebooks. All of these are blank (either because I haven�t used them yet through fear of yukkying them up, or because I�ve cut out the things I�ve already written in them. This is something you should never do�I lost some poems that I really wish I still had�:o( I have more notebooks, some gorgeous ones, but they�re all packed away in my uni stuff. These are just the ones that were to hand!!! Addicted much?

Steph!!! Hahahaha, this is one of the things my phone camera can do, but I don�t have many good frames. Matt�s phone is MUCH better for that, but I have the walkman so fuck him!!! Ha ha doesn�t she look good? Such a cute little grin!!! And she all ready to conduct the rest of the babboon players!

Fletch loves sticks!!! This is one of the big ones he�s fallen in love with recently. It was much too big so he just contented himself with chewing it where it lay.

Today we went walking but it wasn�t a stick day�we found a football!!! Woohoo! It was deflated and dead anyway, just how Fletch likes them :o) I booted it around a bit for him but he was happy just ripping it up�

Isn�t he handsome!!!! His head is too big for his body at the moment though�get big Fletch!

He carried it most of the way home�what I didn�t notice was how utterly SLIMY with mud it was, and how much he was rolling around on it. It was definitely bathtime when we got home! He didn�t like that much but he did enjoy crawling all over me while he was still soaking and meant to be lying on a towel.

And this is my baby getting ready to jump up and try to get my's the only way I can take a good picture of him inside without him trying to chomp it out of my hands...hee hee :o) he doesn't like having his picture taken...

And finally, HARVEY!!! I couldn�t get any good pictures of him the last time he was being social�this was the only one he�d sit still for. I think he liked the feeling of dominance, and the option of bouncing on my head if he wanted. He�s gorgeous�so so pretty�I�m very pleased with him apart from his teenyness�he�s too small.

�bugger�I have to go and tidy up now. I�ve been putting it off all weekend. I�m going to eat some supernoodles and drink more lovely cream-topped coffee and THEN tackle it�.if I have time. Ahem.


I am...The LOUBEE!
Commissioned from:
Last Lemon Productions!

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