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stuff about me
my lil sis's diary
ma kate's diary
zoe's diary!


...has been a while... - 11.02.2007
Lots of bollocks about tattoos and piercings... - 14.01.2007
Hip Hop Happy New Year! (a photo entry) - 06.01.2007
I look Eastern....apparently - 13.12.2006

About Me

My name is louisa, lou, loubee, lube, loubeedoo, loulou le bleu moo moo poo too...thanks kate...I'm 24, from Birmingham, I kinda live with my boyfriend and our 15 month old staffy puppy (fletch)...I'm messed up and full of rage, confident, and outgoing, but shy and a loner at the same time. I'm weird. And I'm proud of it. I waffle too much and I use weird punctuation far too frequently. You don't have to be mental to understand me, but it helps...



Shower and Ink&Iron in short...ish

...written on 02.04.2006, @ 9:37 p.m.

What a good weekend :o)

Friday night me and kate spent two hours wrapping a pass the parcel�erm�parcel, and eating sweets. Mainly eating sweets really�and sticking stickers�and having fun with fluffy chicks and the words �chicken bum bottom��don�t ask�

Saturday was brilliant!! I totally didn�t expect it to go as well as it did. Okay, so we had a few hiccups but they were easily solved by dispatching my mom to the shop, catching my dad before he left tescos and footling online to print things off :o) all was good. Everyone ate lots of food and had fun, and we all got to shower kate and heather with lots of gifts�not literally of course, some of them were heavy and had sharp corners!

One of kate�s friends, Briony, brought her little girl with her and she�was�so�cute�I just can�t say. I don�t want to be broody but hey, it�s hard when you have a grinning two year old bouncing up and down on a space hopper and pelting balloons at peoples heads :o) I know it�s not all fun but ahh, damn, horomones�I�m such a moaning whore ;o) ha ha. Matt is very against the idea of more children, and quite rightly I guess, we�re in no position to have kids considering we can barely look after the dog�he keeps us running in circles so how would we cope with a baby? Besides that, our arguments would cause it serious mental damage!!! They cause me enough as it is�

But yes, much of the fun�Dad stuffed balloons up his jumper, making a pretty convincing rack and bump�then he and kate sood belly to belly (photographic evidence to follow), we played headbutt-balloon volleyball which almost resulted in a serious forehead injury and we managed to sail through the day with hardly a hiccup, even when my Auntie Flo�s hearing aid batteries died and she just announced �I�m going home�, meaning that my mom had to leave and drive her to her house, 18 miles away and bring her back again. But we didn�t stress, we didn�t fret�we just relaxed and talked baby talk (not literally, once again), ate kiddie food, drank fizzy pop and had a great time :o) I feel almost like we could do something like that again, and for more people!!! Kate and I, conquering the world through our childish party skills!!!

Saturday night wasn�t so fun though�I got back to the flat after all the fun and games and Matt was over at his brother�s house, nagging me via text, to come over and see his sister who I�ve never met (she was at his brothers house too) and I wanted to come and meet her but I had stuff I really needed to do and I didn�t want to leave the dog alone for any more time and so that escalated into a huge row and I got all chest painy again, until eventually I just went over, took the dog with me and proceeded to get very drunk once I got there. It wasn�t so bad, Nella, his sister, left after I�d been there 10 minutes, but it was okay because we stayed for a couple of hours afterwards and chatted, listened to music and got really wasted. Later on the row everything was sort of forgotten so maybe we are getting better? Who knows�give it a few days. I�m bad not having faith in us�maybe that�s why things keep going wrong? There�s a lot of maybe�s in this today�

And today�well�ace :o) We went into brum to the Ink and Iron tattoo convention at the academy. It wasn�t as good as the last time we went but it was great to get out and do something different and Matt�s got some lovely new inks so he can finish my cherries and maybe even start something for my birthday�maybe�I hope!!! I got a jumper and a lovely new ring for my lip BUT it was much too big. I KNEW everyone was overestimating the plumpness of my lip, but it�ll look good on matt so all is not lost. Being there has got me thinking about tattoos again, not that I need much encouragement! I really want a koi on my arm and I think matts found the perfect one�at least this time he�s not letting anyone else have it and he�s saving it for me. I�ve seen so many gorgeous sleeves on women today and I know I want one, I�m just worried about how upset mom and dad are going to be. Grrr�damn my parents and their old fashioned ways.

Anyway, I�m going to write a proper entry soon but I just had a great weekend and just wanted to get some of it down. I�ve neglected my diary a bit recently and that makes me feel bad.

Okay, really going now, matt has just laughed at me and said �A quick diary entry?��he should know me by now�

I am...The LOUBEE!
Commissioned from:
Last Lemon Productions!

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