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stuff about me
my lil sis's diary
ma kate's diary
zoe's diary!


...has been a while... - 11.02.2007
Lots of bollocks about tattoos and piercings... - 14.01.2007
Hip Hop Happy New Year! (a photo entry) - 06.01.2007
I look Eastern....apparently - 13.12.2006

About Me

My name is louisa, lou, loubee, lube, loubeedoo, loulou le bleu moo moo poo too...thanks kate...I'm 24, from Birmingham, I kinda live with my boyfriend and our 15 month old staffy puppy (fletch)...I'm messed up and full of rage, confident, and outgoing, but shy and a loner at the same time. I'm weird. And I'm proud of it. I waffle too much and I use weird punctuation far too frequently. You don't have to be mental to understand me, but it helps...



My weekend!!! With a squillion photo's!

...written on 20.05.2006, @ 9:30 p.m.

Oh! I could cry I could cry! Okay, MOST of it is because Shipwrecked has just finished and everyone was sad to go home and that made me sad�and the music was sad�but�BUT!!!�

�the main reason??? Okay, so I�ve sucked it up (what a disgusting phrase) and not only have I LOOKED for courses online, I have found one, asked for information and an application form AND I have got my references sorted out. I think I�ve died and gone to somewhere�somewhere nice where it�s a teeny bit scary and you feel anxious but for most of it you�re just happy that you�re going to be DOING something again. So, my boss says that I can succeed and excell at anything I chose to and she�s right you know�I bet I could be an underwriter in two years, following the same sort of path Jess is and double my wages in a few months time. But I don�t want to be an underwriter. Insurance bores me.

HAHAHAHAHAHA�before I go any further CHECK THIS OUT

Okay, back to the point�yes, so, I want to do an English Literatre Masters at birmingham uni (the main one�not UCE or Aston) just because the modules seem perfect for me�masters degrees seem to be fairly expensive but I�m used to having no money and hopefully Matt should be doing some proper tattooing soon (as in being paid�not that he fucks around pretending to tattoo with biro�s usually�ha ha, I need to think more sometimes) and he�s so amazingly talented that it hurts me to see him lacking in confidence. I�ve told him he can practice on me whenever he likes but he just gave me �the look� which is what I get everytime I talk about tattoos (I change my mind a lot apparently but it�s so not true�look, I STILL want this�

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

�so there MATT! Hee hee)

Anyway, yes�I�ve contacted one of my old lecturers (who I loved, even though I only had her for one module in my final year *sniff*) and she�s agreed to be a referee and also made me all glowy and happy by telling me that she remembered who I was and that I�d been an asset to her course. It was seriously fun�ha ha, what an oxymoron�but yes, it was a creative writing module but most of the people who started it dropped out when they realised we weren�t going to be marked on our creative writing. Instead, we ended up having to draft and re-draft creative pieces, and then we had to write essays critiquing our work and the changes we�d made and mainly WHY we written what we did (what our intent was) and how we thought we�d improved and THAT was what we were marked on. We all submitted a portfolio of stories, poems, monologues and stuff (I think we had to put 5 separate items in) , accompanied with the essays�and I was so shocked when I scored 75%! It was my best mark of my whole 3 years and I think it only happened because I really really loved what I was doing.

�now I�m just hoping that theory will transfer across to the masters degree!!! Two of the modules I want to do are text production and editing, and the other two are on �Modernist topics��and considering most of my degree was based on the theory of modernity and all that I should find that I have some idea what�s going on!!! :o)


You know, I�m having a thought�how many intelligent and capable people end up excelling in a crap job (crap to me�sorry, I can�t stand the thought of working in an office all my life, no matter how far up the ladder I got�when I say crap, I mean, souless and impersonal) because they simply can�t be arsed to do the things they need to do to be in a career where they can use their talents??? I am SO lazy and I didn�t work hard at my BA (bachelor of arts, NOT, big arse) and then I had to rush it all at the end and yes, okay, I DID get a 2:1 but it was a very very tight scrape. I think I scored 60.9% overall. But yeah, this is a REAL effort for me to be doing all this because at the end of the day I know I�ll have to 1) ask my boss to be a referee, 2) hand in my notice, 3) get a part time job�and I really can�t be bothered. I may try and go back to Brooklyn (the garage in Redditch, not the place in the US) but should you go back to somewhere that you really really wanted to leave? I reckon I�m thinking about it far too romantically and not remembering how BORING it could be. So no, maybe not there, but a part time job somewhere. Like Starbucks maybe�I could listen to mellow jazz all day :o) coffee�s a bit poo though.

I can�t wait to be a student again�


It�s a paintball weekend�Matt was at paintball today and he�s got a tournament in Lincoln tomorrow so they�ve left to start driving up there already. I think it�s about 2 hours from here so by the time I get round to posting this they�ll have gotten there, put the tent up and started a fry-up on the camping stove :o)

I was a bit upset because I forgot that he�d be away when I arranged to go to Sadie�s last night (more about that in a bit) and I ended up getting REALLY drunk (and more about that too) so apparently I got in and just lay on the floor half in and half out of the toilet (the room!!! not the actual toilet...I just re-read that and shocked myself!!! ha ha)(just in case) while matt had a bath, and then lay on the living room floor when he got out and made me move. I think I threw my clothes around the bedroom and then just passed out. How crap is that when he�s away all weekend??? I�m so lucky he woke me up in the middle of the night ;o) it was sooooo niiiiiiiiice (see, extended vowels nice!) and I love love love him (yes, we�ve been getting on a LOT better recently) so here are pictures�


Yum yum yum

My babies…

Matt likes butter!!!

Us in pigeon park…MWA!

�and I love THIS entry on my calendar�

Heather Louisa Ruth, born 15th May 2006, 8lbs 13oz…big baby :o)

�and I love�SPONGEPEN!

This is on top of a pen!…and it lights up!!!!

�and I love it when Tom Tom peeps (peeping Tom Tom) out from behind the net curtains�

One of Matt’s siter-in-law’s troop of cats :o) Tom Tom!

�and I love taking pictures of the rain from the bus in Moseley�

When the bus was cruising along the water thrown up from the kerb was hitting the shop windows!!!!

Glad you’re not on the pavement???

�and in Kings Heath�

A junction at the bottom of Kings Heath high street…

A lay-by…cum resevoir…

�and I love that this registration plate needs a phone number on it�

See…for…sex…do you think that’s what they were aiming for???

�and I love that boys never grow up�Matt and Chris, 27 and 26, playing with Darth Vader�s ship and some other 80�s rubbish, accompanied with the phrase �How did we never break these when we were kids?��and� �How do you make the sound effects work???��

Woah dude…mine goes WHOOOOOSSSSHHHHH

�and I love that a vibrator (her ex stole the batteries when he moved out�what a twat!) on Sadie�s sofa looks like it�s resting on a large, brown bottom�


:o) hee hee

I also loved my night out at Sadie�s�we had 4 bottles of wine between the 3 of us and I think that because I kept my wine in my hand mostly, I was getting my glass topped up more often. And I don�t drink!! Ha ha, yes, probably a whole bottle of wine to myself and I went mad.

She lives in a flat over a shop and so her front door is at the back. So, you go round the back of the shops, into her little yard and then there�s a set of black metal stairs up to her door. When I left, I was SO drunk and as I stepped onto the stairs the security light came on in all it�s glory and I screamed �LOUISA! PLEASE LEAVE THE BIG BROTHER HOUSE!!!� while Sadie and Poonam jumped and whooped on the doorstep�

Matt assures me that I was incoherant when I got in last night and when he asked if I wanted to go to bed I responded with something like �yes, we could but there might be people in your corner throwing their cubes around�� (I have a cube obsession at the moment. Lots of cube shaped things to make me happy�I obviously dream about them too!!!) and that�s only one of the things I said. Ah well, he can�t have been that freaked out�he didn�t sleep in the living room or anything :o)

So yes�lots of pictures from Sadies, and also, lots of videos (most of which were a surprise as I thought I was taking pictures�ha ha ha) but I�m not sure if the vids will work�here goes�

Poonam, me and Sadie!

 Poonam, me and Sadie!

 Poonam, me and Sadie!

That’s handcuffs she’s got in her gob…

Poonam know’s where all the wine went…

Sadie and her cuddly!!!

whoops…think I needed to re-orientate this one?

�and the videos�I thought I was taking pictures :o) I couldn�t work out why they wouldn�t take�I�m a dick :o)

and finally a video of Steph, not wanting to be filmed, but then she asked me to put it on here�madness�I wonder where she get�s it from??? Bearing in mind I was meant to be videoing SpongePen with her skirt as a backdrop�and she just HAD to make it all about her ;o) hee hee hee I love my little Stephie x x x x


�and so it become time for me to shut up. I�ve been writing this (and watching TV of course) for about 6 hours�what a lazy day. I�m planning on eating supernoodle sanwiches (yum) and having a bit to smoke and maybe having a bit to smoke with the B man and then crawling into my lonely bed�ha ha, as if�I have the WHOLE bed to myself and yes, I will miss him, but guess what else? I�m gonna get some goooooood fucking sleep!!!


Here�s me�pulling faces and making stupid noises�


Oooh�a quick PS�I found a broker who�s surname was �Freelove� and Sadie said that she closed a sale with a lady who�s surname was �Frontstain� the other day�hahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaa

I am...The LOUBEE!
Commissioned from:
Last Lemon Productions!

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