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stuff about me
my lil sis's diary
ma kate's diary
zoe's diary!


...has been a while... - 11.02.2007
Lots of bollocks about tattoos and piercings... - 14.01.2007
Hip Hop Happy New Year! (a photo entry) - 06.01.2007
I look Eastern....apparently - 13.12.2006

About Me

My name is louisa, lou, loubee, lube, loubeedoo, loulou le bleu moo moo poo too...thanks kate...I'm 24, from Birmingham, I kinda live with my boyfriend and our 15 month old staffy puppy (fletch)...I'm messed up and full of rage, confident, and outgoing, but shy and a loner at the same time. I'm weird. And I'm proud of it. I waffle too much and I use weird punctuation far too frequently. You don't have to be mental to understand me, but it helps...



Rape! Murder! Brain damage!... 2 out of 3 isn't bad!!!

...written on 06.02.2006, @ 12:37 p.m.

Oh my god�how long do I want to wait between diary entries? Can you tell that I�m hating my seating arrangemnt right now? Even though I can write during the evening and post at lunch, I still don�t feel like I get the time. Like now for example�Fletch has his head on my arm and is staring up at me, crying intently�but I�m being strong, like ze bool, and typing typing away. I�m multi-tasking by the way, I�m writing this AND tightening my pores (with a relaxing face mask)�how very talented I am.

So�it�s been aeons since my last entry, I should have lots of interesting things to note down, yes? Well�no�lots of things, yes, interesting, perhaps not :o) but that�s (my) life!!


I have a nail in my tyre, it�s the bane of my life�It was a brand new tyre too (after the last one got a fucking nail in it!!!) but anyway, I�m loathe to get it fixed (idiot, I know�but I can�t help but predict ANOTHER nail) so I have to keep stopping to top it up with air. I was doing this the other night on the way to pick up Steph for dinner, but it all went a bit weird. When I pulled into the garage there was already a car parked by the air and water (which is quite a way from the forecourt) with two guys sat in the front of it. There was plenty of room for me in front of them, so I pulled in and started looking for 20p. When I looked up (20p in hand�armed and ready) one of the guys had gotten out of the drivers seat and into the back. I got really freaked out and called Matt, then just decided to bugger off without risking anything. When I drove off I noticed that the guy in the front passenger seat was holding his door open, ready to get out (and he�d been like that for a while�why??) and then my little paranoid mind began imainging scenarios where I get out of my car, go round to the air pump (near the open door of the other car�) only to have the front guy leap out, grab me and bundle me in the back where his mate is waiting.

And now I�m seeing attackers everywhere I go!!! So, thanks mystery garage weirdos�I only hope you pick on someone who gets your nuts in their teeth.


I use my new phone as my alarm so when I charge it I have to get out of bed to turn the alarm off (the plug is on the other side of the room)� On Friday morning my alarm went off on the other side of the room and I jumped out of bed (in the dark) to switch it to snooze and then get back into bed. This was all okay until I completely misjudged where the bed was, put my hand (and all my weight) onto about a millimetre of mattress and went crashing, head first, into the bedside cabinet. I don�t think I�ve screamed so much in a long while�and poor Matt didn�t have a clue what to do so he just leapt around for a while. I went back to sleep (like an idiot) and then went to work (like an even bigger idiot), but because I know a few people who have suffered fatal head injuries (and not huge knocks either) I went through a paranoid few days. My ear still hurts like a bastard though�it�s a reminder of what a dick I can be sometimes.


It�s getting close to me handing my CV to Paul and putting myself forward for Jess�s job (which they haven�t even advertised yet)�Jess reckons that Poonam is going to apply too. I hate competition between people I�m friends with. I know it�s good for you really but I�m worried I�ll feel uncomfortable about it around her, or even that I�ll feel like I need to share knowledge and I�ll tell her something that would help her get it over me�that�d be the type of thing I�d do and so so gutting!

I NEED this new role so badly�not only would it mean more challenging work (whilst still providing a little time to slack off�) but I�d be with people I actually like and get on with.

On the bright side, I have had an excellent weekend with Matt and Krysi�a weekend family, family weekend. We ate LOTS of good food, played games, laughed a lot, went to the wacky warehouse, drew pictures, watched cartoons, ate more food etc�it was only marred by a spectacular bout of puking on my behalf, which didn�t contribute to worrying about my bashed head!! After a nap I was back to normal and Krysi was offering to �wind� me if I felt poorly again. She�s so amazing! She�s only six and a half but she�s already well into reading and drawing. She gets totally absorbed in a book, so much so she was even reading in the car by the light of my crappy map-reading torch! She drew cute free hand �sketches� (her own word) of her book covers and perfectly mimicked my one rendition of the Postman Pat theme tune (the version where he runs over Jess) and the tune to pinky and the brain (altering it so Daddy�s a Genius and Louisa�s insane�we�re laboratory mice! Our genes have been spliced!)

Seeing her has only made me even more baby mad though�I�m seeing cool baby stuff everywhere I go! I�ve already done a bit of baby clothes shopping�and I started as I mean to go on. Yes, I love the cutesy-wutesy stuff BUT I want to be cool Auntie Lou, so, I�ve bought Heather her first pair of converse trainers and a pink baby top covered in skull and cross-bones�s. Kate loves them and no matter how quickly Heather�ll grow out of them, the baby trainers will be a keepsake for the rest of her life :o) now I face the problem that I have three months of trying my hardest not to buy every baby item I see and fall in love with. God help me if I ever have children�they�ll have wardrobes to see them til they�re 16 before they�re even born!!!


And now for some madness...Lou-brand madness! For some reason my head has been overtaken by the �Oh X of mystery, you take away the Y of the Z�� (hee hee hee�it�s mathmatical dogma!)�a few days ago I was washing my hair (head over the bath, sink full of water, jug to scoop water�we have no shower, my hair is very long) and running the hot water into the sink made the taps squeal and shriek. I, in my infinate wisdom thought �I�ll flush the loo!��I�ve never tried it before but I thought it�d work and it did! First thing that springs into my head? �Oh! Flush of mystery! You take away the sqeal of the pipes���it�s actually driving me mad�

�as is Linkin Park and bloody Jay-Z�I don�t care how sad I am, but I LIKE Linkin Park, and I really like the track, �Numb�. So, Jay-Z remixed Numb into �Encore� and here we have a track that I quite like, but wold still prefer to hear the original. In it�s entirety. Kerrang FM refused to play Numb when �Encore� came out (that�s how it felt for me anyway) and all I wanted was the whole track�now (in the present day) Kerrang ONLY play the whole track but after I�ve listened, sung along and loved it I have musical hallucinations of fucking Jay-Z. That is ALSO driving me mental.

Anyway�all that blather has more than made up for my period of quiet�and Matt is bugging me to go to bed ;o)

Night night�. x

MORNING EDIT � and not only did I get enticed to bed but I got woken up during the night too�.very very niiiiice

I am...The LOUBEE!
Commissioned from:
Last Lemon Productions!

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