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stuff about me
my lil sis's diary
ma kate's diary
zoe's diary!


...has been a while... - 11.02.2007
Lots of bollocks about tattoos and piercings... - 14.01.2007
Hip Hop Happy New Year! (a photo entry) - 06.01.2007
I look Eastern....apparently - 13.12.2006

About Me

My name is louisa, lou, loubee, lube, loubeedoo, loulou le bleu moo moo poo too...thanks kate...I'm 24, from Birmingham, I kinda live with my boyfriend and our 15 month old staffy puppy (fletch)...I'm messed up and full of rage, confident, and outgoing, but shy and a loner at the same time. I'm weird. And I'm proud of it. I waffle too much and I use weird punctuation far too frequently. You don't have to be mental to understand me, but it helps...



The Deeper Me...Maybe...

...written on 08.09.2006, @ 5:51 p.m.

What the fuck??? Who would have thought that chicknapping would have been so popular?

*waves* Hello visitors from Romania and Sweeden *swoons* who visited here after googling for �Chicknapping� :o) My own googling efforts have discovered that Chicknapping is a film but look�no picture :o( boooo�

It may be very sad, but 15 visitors in one day? *dies of happiness*

So, anyway, now that I feel a bit more appreciated I�ve decided to attempt a stab at �ME� (not literally�ha ha ha�lets leave the violence for another entry!)�but yes, I feel like talking about me and I have nothing else to talk about! Ha ha, and I also want to share a bit of me with you (ooh er�) if you want to share too that is ;o)

You know�I�m mental about online quizzes, especially ones that make me feel like a weirdo�like this one:

Paranoid Personality Disorder:Very High
Schizoid Personality Disorder:Moderate
Schizotypal Personality Disorder:Very High
Antisocial Personality Disorder:Moderate
Borderline Personality Disorder:Very High
Histrionic Personality Disorder:High
Narcissistic Personality Disorder:High
Avoidant Personality Disorder:Very High
Dependent Personality Disorder:Very High
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder:High

-- Take the Personality Disorder Test --
-- Personality Disorder Info --

and the one thing that amplifies all of this?�well�

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I don�t talk about it on here a hell of a lot�well, at all to be honest. I don�t really know why I don�t because I spend a fair part of my life with my head in smoke, but it�s not like I think it�s �cool��so why go on about it? And besides that�

�Drugs are bad�Mmmmmkay?�

And I wouldn�t want anyone to think that I advocate it (because I don�t�don�t be a waster) but, god damn, I love being stoned.

My friend Marc (lovely skinny boy!) once said that beer was keeping him alive�and he PROVED it! His argument went like this; a pint of Beer has a lot of calories, and SEVERAL pints of beer have LOADS of calories. If Marc didn�t drink all those calories there is no way he�d manage to eat them all and would therefore waste away. Oh the shame of it. And so we rejoiced in Marc�s excessive beer drinking�and it at this point that I�d like to steal his logic away for my own�I don�t eat food during the day, and when I do I have mini panic attacks. My skin feels like it�s being super heated, my stomach tightens and threatens to reject my food and I suddenly feel like there�s two of me in this body and one of us wants OUT. It�s not a sensible response to food, and it gets REALLY bad when I�m faced with the prospect of leaving a shitload of food on my plate when someone else has paid for it. Weed gives me appetite and in the evenings I make up for all the food I�ve scorned during the day. While I was in Canada I lost half a stone�if it wasn�t for weed I would DIE. And that�s all the argument I need :o) haha�

It does make me paranoid though�not that I wasn�t paranoid before. That�s something you have to understand about weed�yes, it CAN bring about certain symptoms of psychosis, but it never does anything more than enhance what you are already liable to. And that�s also the reason why it�s not a great drug to do, because sometimes the effects aren�t as mild as you�d think. But yeah�paranoid I am, and it�s probably part of my personality that makes the most difference to my relationships. I worry worry worry, often for no reason, that I�ve done something to make someone dislike me. Sometimes I don�t actually have to DO anything wrong, I just have to think about the things I�ve done until I over analyse one into �a mistake I made� that obviously turned this person against me.

*despairs at herself*

I�m mad�but I bet you knew that already?

I have an obsession with my hair being straight�but I�m really really lazy and mostly end up just letting it be frizzy as an electrocuted angora goat and tame it into some kind of bun. It can look like this�

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but mostly when I get up it�s about a million time worse than THIS�(check out the lovely sleepy-baggy eyes! Mmmm, attractive!)

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You know how much I love my tattoos�

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�and my labret piercing�

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�and my stretches�

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�and you know how I want more more more?�do you know how I seriously can�t commit? Not because I don�t know what I want but because I can�t stop thinking �Waaaa�lovely piece of skin! If I sacrifice you to the ink then I�ll NEVER be able to draw on you again��. How do I get over this? It�s like the time I wanted rollerblades but then I never used them for fear of them getting scuffed! I just can�t seem to get over the idea that if I have my sleeve done then I�ll find something else that would have looked BETTER. God damn. I know what I want, I just can�t picture ME with such a huge prominent tattoo, and maybe that�s what it is? *sighs*�Hello! I�m indecisive!

I�m indecisive!

Piercings are a different story�I�m just plain SCARED of those needles

I don�t know what I want to do with my life � I mean�I have ideas for careers that I�d like to end up in, but, the thing is that I�m not even 50% sure that I�ll like doing them once I�m there. Yes, I admit it�I�m a no good, lazy GREEBO and I can�t help it. I would like to spend my days doing different types of things, hanging out here and there, working different places for a few hours. Non-commital lifestyle. But it�s not really going to happen is it. I think this is why I�m so depressed because I�ve been a spoilt little bitch all my life and mostly gotten what I want and now I KNOW what I want and no one�s going to give it to me!

Maybe I could do it�because I know a few people that are doing what they want and it�s working out, but I�m not that kind of a risk taker. Not right now anyway :o)

I buy ridiculous amounts of jewellery, especially chunky rings, and I LOVE them, but I hardly ever remember to wear them�

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�it�s like I WANT to create this funky, cool, stylish image for myself (ha ha ha�please, don�t let your sides split!!!) but I really can�t be arsed to put it all together in the mornings. I WANT to look like I�ve paid a lot of attention to my outfit, but, you know what? I really don�t pay that much attention to my outfit past putting the clothes on. That part stresses me out enough in a bedroom with one chest of drawers and no wardrobe between two people�

Did you get that I�m lazy yet?�


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let them be YOUR friends too�

I�m not emo�but I sometimes wonder if I secretly WANT to be ;o)

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�because I just love how cute my feet can look!!! (sod you if you don�t think these trainers look cute)

I�ve seriously started to give a fuck less�today I went out in � length trousers and neon stripy socks (and my emo trainers). I didn�t even remember I was wearing them most of the time. I think I�m starting a mini-revolution in my brain! OVERTHROW THE EVIL WICKED THOUGHTS! I did have a few pangs of �Oh my god do I look like a clown? My feet ARE hideously big�� but I even felt good enough to do a happy little jig to the music in my head :o) my eccentricity is starting to show more�

I�ve become a photo obsessive of late. I think I need a photodiary as well as this one, but I�ve got so many I don�t know what to do with them. I have more on my phone than I can search through easily, and so many in random places all over my hard drive that I have a daily panic attack over a precious memory that I think I�ve deleted. I might buy myself a few thousand packs of photo paper from Teskimo�s and spend a week printing off all the random pictures of me EVERYWHERE, the dog, Matt, signs that make me laugh, dead things, pretty landscapes and places, my friends, random strangers�EVERYTHING�I don�t even know why I do it, but most of the time I have posting on this place in mind. I feel like sharing the things I see with the people who read this and saving my memories somewhere I can flick back and make myself smile.

A lot of the time I�m trying to reassure myself that I don�t look like the freakchild of Sloth.

A lot of the time I just get this mad, panicky NEED to capture the moment. However cliched it may be.

Fletchy is thirteen months old now and he IS starting to behave more. Today he restrained himself from running after another dog�he cried like a bitch but I didn�t have to hold him. I was very pleased with him :o) he�s been spending lots of time with me over the last few weeks too�sitting on the sofa half on my lap, following me round the flat like a shadow that�s trying to break my neck, and climbing up into my face every five minute to whine about some shit to me. I tell him it�s all going to be okay but to be honest I think he�s a leedle bit moany to be honest *laughs at the irony of it all*

I just love him too much�he�s the best dog ever, despite his lack of obedience and his destructive nature (he has totalled our relatives gardens�I�m VERY upset with his stich obsession�) but here he is�he�s just too cute�

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�and Matt�s been on my mind lots more recently�and I�m paying more attention to his feelings when things happen that would usually drag us into a row. Fair enough, HE�S not really trying too hard, but I�m sure we�ll get there in the end�he�s working so hard and I�m really proud of him�I just need to wait for some of that to come back my way�

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Did I mention I�m lazy? Because this is where I�m going to give up for the moment. I know it�s not a HUGE insight into me but it�s some bits of me that I�m obsessed with at the moment�and the stuff that�s on my mind. I feel mad and mental and not good�kind of like this�

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�all the time. But I have this pace to let it all out :o) and so I do!!!


I am...The LOUBEE!
Commissioned from:
Last Lemon Productions!

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