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stuff about me
my lil sis's diary
ma kate's diary
zoe's diary!


...has been a while... - 11.02.2007
Lots of bollocks about tattoos and piercings... - 14.01.2007
Hip Hop Happy New Year! (a photo entry) - 06.01.2007
I look Eastern....apparently - 13.12.2006

About Me

My name is louisa, lou, loubee, lube, loubeedoo, loulou le bleu moo moo poo too...thanks kate...I'm 24, from Birmingham, I kinda live with my boyfriend and our 15 month old staffy puppy (fletch)...I'm messed up and full of rage, confident, and outgoing, but shy and a loner at the same time. I'm weird. And I'm proud of it. I waffle too much and I use weird punctuation far too frequently. You don't have to be mental to understand me, but it helps...



What I did at fucking Christmas...

...written on 28.12.2005, @ 10:29 a.m.

Warning, from here on in this entry gets quite, quite boring�it enters the realms of what I did today�it is cringe worthy. Please consider my state of mind when you read this�I am mental and my family is conspiring to send me LaLa for 2006�what follows is �runny brain��


�I don�t think! To start off with we slept in, a usual trait of ours, but it never fails to annoy Matt at some point during the morning�and me for that matter. It wouldn�t really have been a problem as we�d walked the dog, were halfway through opening our presents and thinking about cooking up something greasy for breakfast (and maybe going back to bed for a bit) when Mom rang to tell me she�d found Grandpa on the floor in the hall at his house�

�we had to leave right then to help her pick him up and because my Nan passed away after a fall Mom ended up taking Grandpa to a clinic, then a hospital, while me and Matt carried on with the day. I really wanted to go with Mom and keep her company, but at the same time my Dad and sister were at home and I felt like I had to be with them too. I know it sounds cynical and horrible�and I hate myself for saying it�but it�s his first Christmas without my Nan and he didn�t really want to come over to our house so I think he might have fallen on purpose so Mom would find him there. It�s not beyond him�in the six months since my Nan passed away my Mom has had no life whatsoever because of his guilt trips and stubbornness. I can�t stand thinking like this but he pushed my Nan to breaking, and now my Mom looks so tired and she won�t tell me when she needs help�and I�m always asking, believe me.

But despite wishing everything was normal and missing Mom and Grandpa, it wasn�t too bad. We spent Christmas day slowly opening presents rather than tearing into them all in the space of five minutes, watching Bill Bailey, which almost caused puddles, eating mini snacks and laughing at the sick sight of my Dad, pushing the vacuum round, dancing like Mr Bean whilst singing �Don�t you wish your girlfriend was HOT like me?��he even carried this on later with a more subdued bum wiggling whilst making tea :o)

We ended up eating Christmas dinner on Boxing Day, something that made me happy as Matt could be with us (he was with his Mom, sister and Nan on Christmas afternoon) and it was like having an extended Christmas. Next year will be weird with Mom and Dad divorced�I can�t believe they spent this Christmas together for us, it�s kind of mad but nice that we didn�t have to agonise over where to spend the day. Matt and I have said we�ll cook at home and maybe invite some people to us but I know that I�ll probably end up visiting someone at some point. It would be nice to stay at home and get a bit merry while burning the dinner :o) I think I could make a good job of it if I had a slave to boss around the kitchen�someone who was good with a peeler perhaps�

I got some cool presents too�Matt got me Ghostbusters and Die Hard DVD box sets as well as a Slimer Headknocker to go in the collection and a Zuul Terror Dog action figure (which is staying, very nerdily, IN IT�S BOX!), the Brightonomicon (a Robert Rankin newbie�NOT a tongue twister), a cool spiky rubber lighter�and my mind goes blank at the moment�Mom and Dad got me Simpson�s Monopoly (very cool), DVD�s, cube world, Oidz�Kate got me cool Cube Animals and Chris got me the cartoon book of a Nightmare Before Christmas (can�t wait to read it on the train). Gosh that was boring :o) I don�t care though�this has been one of those entries�and I�m very tired�and I still have to dry my hair. Hey, at least I�m not writing this at work. Fair enough I�ll be googling my links and adding them at work, but that�s all�and I won�t be much. Probably. And I�m getting use of my laptop�so it�s all good, even if I am missing half of the letters I�m typing and I�m having to go back and edit every couple of words.


Matt is SOOOOOO good with his diabolo! I�m amazed!! Two exclamation marks amazed�see that?! He�s had it a week just about, and with a little bit of advice from the Big Man, he�s doing a shitload of tricks that I�d never have expected. He gets it walking u a vertical rope, jumping over his foot, bouncing over his arm, jumping up in the air and he does this amazing trick called a Round the World with a Stop Over finishing with a Suicide�if anyone reading this can diabolo, I�m sure you�ll agree that�s a good effort after just a week of learning :o)�I�m smiling a lot in this entry. But it�s good though, very good�we went to a juggling shop in Selly Oak today and got talking to the guy in there - he advised Matt about the kind of diabolo and sticks he should be using (and fire sticks) and then he told us about juggling conventions, which, while some people would view this as possibly geeky, I stick my fingers up at this type of people and think that it is cool. Very cool. We shall most likely be attending! I want to learn it too but I�m kind of a bit worried he�s going to take the piss and think I�m copying. Sounds stupid doesn�t it? I honestly don�t know if I�m right in thinking this way or if I�m being horribly paranoid and silly.

Oh fuck it�how stupid�I�m going to have a play with it (ooh err ;o)�) and who gives a fig (�a footle�a fuck!) what he thinks. I�m sure I�m just being paranoid. I am trying to quench my paranoia with Maltesers�lots of them. I feel quite sick but I can�t stop eating them. And once they�ve finished I�m going onto chunky KitKats. If anyone can establish a link between my paranoia and my munchies, please tell me ;o)

I am...The LOUBEE!
Commissioned from:
Last Lemon Productions!

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