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stuff about me
my lil sis's diary
ma kate's diary
zoe's diary!


...has been a while... - 11.02.2007
Lots of bollocks about tattoos and piercings... - 14.01.2007
Hip Hop Happy New Year! (a photo entry) - 06.01.2007
I look Eastern....apparently - 13.12.2006

About Me

My name is louisa, lou, loubee, lube, loubeedoo, loulou le bleu moo moo poo too...thanks kate...I'm 24, from Birmingham, I kinda live with my boyfriend and our 15 month old staffy puppy (fletch)...I'm messed up and full of rage, confident, and outgoing, but shy and a loner at the same time. I'm weird. And I'm proud of it. I waffle too much and I use weird punctuation far too frequently. You don't have to be mental to understand me, but it helps...



The first day of my last week...hooray?

...written on 18.09.2006, @ 7:46 p.m.

(I wrote this at work but posted it at home because of the pic(s)�and the fact that I ran out of time *ahem* n�eemind!)

Here�s a picture of me not looking like me at all to make up for the fact I waited this long just to add one relevant picture�(check out the colour difference between the top and the bottom of my hair! uuuughhhhh!!!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

I'm a dirty bitch...a lazy one too...I just sugared my coffee and I really can't be bothered to walk all the way to the kitchen for a teaspoon. SO I stirred it with my biro. Classy!

It's the start of my last week here (hence the commemorative 'End of Contract', written at work diary entry!). I can't describe how WEIRD I feel...and I've got about a squillion emotions all fighting for control over this little body and teeny mind. Like...

* Joy! - I'm leaving! I'm FINALLY leaving...I've been here for a year (which is about 10 months longer than I wanted to be here) so I've achieved what I needed to do (i.e. not quit when it got boring (after a couple of weeks), therefore rendering my CV 'crap')...and I've been so BORED!

* Sadness - I'll miss everyone here so much (I feel this especially so when I'm having a laugh with my team, or sending emails to Dave and Poonam...I feel like I'm going to be missing some amazingly fun and interesting people...)

* Worry - I've actually got to start a new routine and go to a whole new and different place...

* Fear - I've actually got to start a new routine and go to a whole new and different place...ARGH! This is not good for my Aries brain!

* Relief - No matter what I've got to face at Uni, I know that it won't be getting up at 6.30am EVERY MORNING (and knowing that I actually should have gotten up at 6am)...

* More Relief - No matter how much I have to use a computer over the next year, NONE of it will be to enter information about FUCKING STUPID insurance policies...and I will NEVER have to use this annoying software again (Unless I come back to work for Another Irritating Git)

* More Fear - It's been two years since I left Uni...what the hell do I think I'm doing? I can't write an essay to save my life (although, I can write one that will score me 70% and secure me a place on a Masters degree course at Birmingham maybe I should have a little more faith in myself?)

* Faith! - I got in through my own work and effort...I CAN DO THIS!

* Yet More Fear - NO I CAN'T!

* More Worry - I'll probably have my timetable and relevant information by the end of this week. Maybe.

* Yet More Worry - Am I doing the right thing?'s crap.

I wish I could commit to something and then BE HAPPY about it, but I really don't like change, so despite being annoyed with this job, it's also REALLY hard to leave!

I'm going to miss this place!!! At least for a few days...okay...maybe two days. I'll be upset Saturday, and more upset Sunday, and on Monday morning I'll wake up at about 6am (out of habit) and I'll stretch, yawn, roll over and think "Woohoo!...zzzzzzzz" and that'll be the extent of my misery.

Isn't life hard?


*jig jig jig* woooo!!! It's time for happy singing!!! The wonderful fabulous beautiful gorgeous lovely amazing Mandy has returned triumphant! My inbox is already singing with an email from her :o) I'm so happy to have her back to keep me sane during my last week at work...oh, what would I be without SUPEROFFICEMOO????


Wow...I've missed blogging at work (accompanied by THE FEAR)! It means that I can talk about things as they are happening rather than trying to remember things at home (and them ending up being less funny)...but the only problem is, is that NOTHING is going on.


I seriously have to question my mentality...I'm emailing across the office and discussing how much I would like to have Jack Black in my bed, awaiting my return. On second thoughts I decided that I was far too tired and that I'd like to go to bed alone...Dave pointed out that Jack would wait patiently for me to wake up, refreshed and re-charged. I gave in and said that it'd be fine as long as he didn't take up too much room and didn't keep me awake by incessantly telling me how wonderful I am...

..., how stupid is it to get upset when Dave makes a joke about how funny I am for thinking someone would tell me that???


I think the main splintering jab came when I realised that he was totally one ever tells me I'm wonderful. Not like that anyway...I mean, it's one thing to have people say nice things to you, it's another thing to feel like your partner doesn't have the time or inclination to say things like that to you.

Oh! Melancholy moi! All I need is to be told nice things once in a while...I can handle the occasionally fib ;o)

Dave has totally cheered me up now...

Me: ...I can't help it...I'm trapped inside a filthy dirty brain
D: Extremely dirty filthy brain
Me: I blame the parents
D: I'm nothing like my parents!
Me: I meant me! I'm just like my mom...
D: your mom Ace too???

*love for my team leader*

�it�s a bit spooky but today, on the first day of my last week, Poonam decided to clean out her desk a bit�where she found all the memorabilia of our past year. One of the best bits was her �noticeboard� where she stored all my post-its; all my mad mental things that I wrote because it was more fun than talking. Most of them had fallen off and others are doubled up (and we couldn�t move them incase they never stuck again�oh! the sacrilege of ye age old memories!) so we couldn�t read them properly, but I love it anyway and it�s another thing that I�ll miss�*cries* ha ha, I�m so stupidly emotional recently�I must rein it in before Friday :o)

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


Have I told you I've moved desks again? Well...I have...quite a while ago to be honest.

My new desk allows me to email, ponce about online and generally distract myself with loveliness (like Le Moo!)...

To start off with I was hesitant about being naughty, but now I've managed to sort out most of my uni stuff whilst at work, I've done some ebaying and some amazoning...and I've managed to form a healthy addiction to Dooce (brought to me, once again, by the wonderful Mandy)...

...and Dooce (or Heather, as I like to pretend she lets me call her) has then lead me, via her amazing witty style, to want this book (and also this t shirt) and then, THEN, dear readers of my rubbish crap, my diary will become TRANSFORMED into something amazing, wonderful and truly, truly beautiful.

They shall be mine...oh yes...they SHALL be mine...

(notice how I'm buying lots of things that are going to distract me right as I start my Masters...lets watch and laugh as I try in vain to resist all my new books (four new Robert Llewellyns) and computer games (I bought three off amazon) and actually get on with some studying...)


...speaking of purchases...

Selfridges is a bad place for me to go...

Paperchase lured me with it's papery, ringbindery goodness...oh yum, stationary is are hideously expensive coats. I shall be the best dressed self-funded student there is, whilst my Grandparents look down from above and shake their fists at me for wasting their money.

Oh I am evil and bad...I tried to repent, I REALLY did...but then I saw the coat that I was destined to be with...and the �140 price tag didn't scare me off...

I'm going back tomorrow to make my mastercard SING!!! :o)

*hugs for Moo who is hoooooooome!!!!!*

I am...The LOUBEE!
Commissioned from:
Last Lemon Productions!

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