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stuff about me
my lil sis's diary
ma kate's diary
zoe's diary!


...has been a while... - 11.02.2007
Lots of bollocks about tattoos and piercings... - 14.01.2007
Hip Hop Happy New Year! (a photo entry) - 06.01.2007
I look Eastern....apparently - 13.12.2006

About Me

My name is louisa, lou, loubee, lube, loubeedoo, loulou le bleu moo moo poo too...thanks kate...I'm 24, from Birmingham, I kinda live with my boyfriend and our 15 month old staffy puppy (fletch)...I'm messed up and full of rage, confident, and outgoing, but shy and a loner at the same time. I'm weird. And I'm proud of it. I waffle too much and I use weird punctuation far too frequently. You don't have to be mental to understand me, but it helps...



Birthday Update!!!

...written on 19.04.2006, @ 3:56 p.m.

Wow�I can�t believe how much today feels like a Sunday. We�ve gotten up late, gone shopping for breakfast, had bacon and egg sandwiches, lazed in front of the tv�it�s been amazing. And I�m going back to work tomorrow so it�s perfect�I�ll just have to do two days work (fair enough it�ll probably be filing but who cares?) and then I�m off again for the weekend! Woo! And Matt has paintball so it�ll be lovely and quiet and I�ll be able to chill out and do some stuff I need to get done.

But anyway, onto the fun! My birthday! It was really good�much better than I expected. We woke up REALLY early, like 6.30 early, but we just kept cuddling up and dozing back to sleep for twenty minutes, cuddling up n a ifferent position, going back to sleep, so on so on�it was lovely�felt like we lay in for the whole day! Then we got up, drank tea and I opened my presents from Matty�new cherry plugs (for my ear stretches), Mr Flibble glove puppet and�MY NEW CAMERA!!! Woohoooo!!!!! Cue my cheesy birthday grin�

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I�m so pleased with my new camera, especially the flip out screen�Matt reckons I only wanted it to take pictures of myself but that�s not fair because I delete them all (mostly) and at the end of the day I�m just trying to get one where I don�t look like a Moose�

Anyway, then, after much chilling in front of the TV watching Carry On movies, smoking and a little bit of birthday naughtiness, we dragged ourselves out of the house and I dropped Matt and Fletch at Matt�s brother�s house (Matt won�t go near my parent�s house now) and then I went to see my Mom and Steph and open some more presents�and I think the pictures say more than words, but there are a few comments�

First some fun with the flip out screen�

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�then Mom wanted in on the action�

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�and then fun with Steph�s HUGE mirror�how very baggy I look�my baggy birthday outfit, as opposed to my baggy birthday suit which is another thing entirely!!! :o) hee hee hee

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Steph got me a COOL fluffy card with a very apt poem�

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�and a fluffy bird/pen thing�I love his fluffiness�mmmm

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�as if I�m not coco-nutty enough now I�m going to smell of them too�again, mmmm�

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�and she made me an AMAZING mug complete with love hearts, loubees and my birthdate, and it�s HUGE (not huge jackman�huge teamug) so I get lots more tea than anyone else! Mu ha ha ha ha�

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Mom got me a mini massager�

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�and some gorgeous, lovely perfume!!!

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�we lit the candles on the cake and then forgot about it for five minutes�and the candles all melted down and then all the icing and chocolate buttons and sprinkles started to melt�it was so funny, but it made the cake a LOT nicer�.mmm�.

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hee hee, mom looks like she�s going to have nightmares about that cake later�

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I was only there for a short while and we spent the whole time hiding in Steph�s room (cool colour scheme courteousy (can�t spell that for shit) of moi�it used to be my room and my tastes are too vile for words!!! Hee hee, it�s very very GREEN to say the least�oh, and sunshine yellow�) because Dad is a git and not nice and it probably wouldn�t have mattered if we�d have come out because he SHUT himself in the living room and didn�t say a word the whole time I was there. BUT I�m not going to let stupid things like that upset me because I�ve got enough to deal with and he needs to get over himself. Grr. ANYWAY, yes, I was only there a short while but we had so much fun and loads of laughs�I need to spend more time at home, thank god dad works nights!!! I can go over there after work whenever I like and I don�t have to see him.

After Mom�s, I joined Matt at Jon and Jeanette�s�it was her birthday too :o) it�s really cool�we got drunk together, smoked lots, talked lots, ate LOADS of food and then went out for Maccys when we still hadn�t had enough. They gave me a gorgeous bag�exactly what I needed/wanted :o) so so pleased�I didn�t really take many pictures there and they were all just ones where I was trying to get good poses and the ended up crap�but I like this one of Matt and Fletch. We bought him a chew when we went out munchie/vino shopping, expecting it to keep him quiet for the afternoon. And it lasted about 50 minutes. Oh well�

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All in all�a pretty good birthday break, despite the shitty easter�OH! And we had dinner at matt�s mom�s house last night and it was REALLY nice. I was so surprised�I did feel a bit like I wasn�t being me and I was being that weird over polite person I become in difficult situations but it�s not surprising really. His mom is so tough to get on with just because you can�t read her AND she tries to talk about herself so much it�s difficult for me not to be a bit hurt when I start talking about something and it�s practically ignored. I should be used to it because Matt does it ALL the time, but I can yell at him ;o)

�And fletchy finally got a trip to the vets. They�ve given us anti-biotics, a BIG HUGE bandage that�s meant to stay on for a week (very worrying to us who have been bathing it in salt water and putting fresh dressings on lots) and cost us a STUPID amount of money and some peace of mind. The bandage is staying on (for a change) and he seems happier but we still can�t really take him out and the vet was VERY morbid and horrible. He told us in no uncertain terms that if his leg was bandaged too tightly it would lose ciculation AND DIE!!!�and also, that if the bandage got wet, it�d shrink as it dried and then when they took it off HIS LEG WOULD COME WITH IT!!!�I am angry with the vet for giving me paranoia. Bad vet. Dirty vet. In your bed.

God, I�ve gone off on a tangent here�I�m just going to go and finish off my great few days off with an hour of playing god with the Sims before Matt and his bro get back. They�ve gone out driving in Jon�s new car to give me a bit of space�my counsellor (I so want to say my therapist and get all dramatical and arrogant and start swaggering and being all yuppie like (or something)) said that I need to take time to do the things that I want to do and not feel guilty for them�I guess it�s a little bad that I need to kick him out to do it, but he�s always complaining about how little he get�s to use the computer (seriously, how often have I updated before this weekend? It�s been once a week-ish for the past month!!! He�s ALWAYS on this thing, he just doesn�t see that having music up on the screen and playing he guitar from it is practically the same as being on the internet. In fact it is�it�s ALL computer usage and god damn, why am I ranting and not getting offline??? Hee hee

I had a lovely birthday and I�m so lucky to have people there to make it special for me�I had loads of texts throughout the day that made me smile too!!! It was great, even though birthdays tend to lose their sparkle as you get older. Hopefully soon Fletch will be better and we can leave him alone without worrying he�ll chew off his bandage/leg and then me and matt�ll be able to go for a meal and a drink together and make up for not getting some alone time on my birthday. Aww, I know we have our problems and our rows, but he tried his hardest to make my birthday as good as possible�and he�s so cute, despite me NEVER being able to get a good photo of him�he doesn�t grin enough, but it seems like samosas and crappy lighting make him happy�

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Okay, I�m going now�maybe to take some more photos, maybe to make some Sims have a big fight over who is having sex with who�too many choices!!! Ha ha�..

UPDATE�I�ve hopped on the bandwagon ONCE AGAIN (I�m so unoriginal recently�I thank everyone for giving me ideas�or, more precisely, motivating me to do the things I�ve been thinking about doing for aaages�) and changed my template�not sure if I shall keep it but I thought, new year (of age anyway!) new template with more links and so everything looks a bit tidier in general (give me 5 minutes with my didgy HTML and I will change all that!!!)

Anyway�I spent about 3 days searching for one I like and I�m STILL not sure, but I�m going to try it out for a while and see if I get used to a new look�I�m SO against change it�s untrue!!! X x X x X

I am...The LOUBEE!
Commissioned from:
Last Lemon Productions!

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