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stuff about me
my lil sis's diary
ma kate's diary
zoe's diary!


...has been a while... - 11.02.2007
Lots of bollocks about tattoos and piercings... - 14.01.2007
Hip Hop Happy New Year! (a photo entry) - 06.01.2007
I look Eastern....apparently - 13.12.2006

About Me

My name is louisa, lou, loubee, lube, loubeedoo, loulou le bleu moo moo poo too...thanks kate...I'm 24, from Birmingham, I kinda live with my boyfriend and our 15 month old staffy puppy (fletch)...I'm messed up and full of rage, confident, and outgoing, but shy and a loner at the same time. I'm weird. And I'm proud of it. I waffle too much and I use weird punctuation far too frequently. You don't have to be mental to understand me, but it helps...



What is the Bizzle's Gizzle???

...written on 21.01.2006, @ 2:14 p.m.

Oh my god�as I write this Kate is actually IN hospital finding out the baby�s sex!!! I really hope he/she is feeling in a flashy kind of mood (not the kind of mood where they want to go out wearing lots of bling and spending money on all their friends�.just in the mood to give Mommy and Daddy a flash�god, that sounds depraved) I am very much looking forward to finding out what she�s having. Why? WHY? Because, I am feeling broody to the nth degree and I have been told in no uncertain terms �do NOT start feeling broody� so rather than having my own small person to look after (which, come to think of it would be more scary than I could even imagine � a child of mine�it would be the spawn of SATAN!) I will have to be content with spoiling Kate�s lovely gorgeous squidgy baby who I shall go around shamelessly calling �niece� or �nephew� as, if people are going to confuse Kate and I for sisters then I might as well get some mileage out of it!!! Hee hee! Oh�she said I could too. So I�m allowed :o)

Oh, and a quick message to Kate�Overnight babysitter! *hand up higher than Ed�s* (mainly because he is fast asleep and won�t wake up) ;o)


I love my puppy :o) my dad loves my puppy too�I can hear him talking to him in baby language in the kitchen (whilst breaking up a fight between the old, fat, tired golden retriever and the teeny, excitable, bundle of energy that is Fletchy�she keeps showing him her teeth and raaaaar-ing at him�all he wants is to cuddle�and to leap all over her. What�s her problem???)

He has a new game :o) I am pleased because not only did I discover it but I them got to say �oh god! Haven�t you seen him doing that?� to Matt as if it was the most normal thing in the world (note: he does that to me all the time because I miss out on lots of stuff being at work)�anyway, he had a rubber ball that made jibba-jabba noises (quit your jibba� jabba�!) but he chewed the noise out of it so matt hollowed it out and put a rope through it. Ta da! Ball on a rope! This is now Fletchy�s favourite toy and he likes to grab the end of the rope, walk backwards until it�s stretched out then he starts spinning in circles so the ball is flying out round him, bouncing along as it goes. Last night he twatted it right into the side of the stereo so hard that it moved one of the separates out of line! He�s mad�he�ll just spin that ball for hours and hours. I have a theory that whenever we mix two of his toys he�s just trying like mad to break them apart again so, in my head, my dog is some kind of genius, trying to get the ball to fly off the end of the rope�chances are he�s just spinning like a little kid though�he is only 3 and a half in human years.

BUT!!!! He has learnt a new thing! He now sits, comes to you (eventually) and WALKS AT HEEL!!! Even off his lead! It�s amazing! No more do I have to be dragged along by a tiny squib of a thing while he hacks and chokes at the end of his lead. Instead, he walks docilely alongside, only trotting off (charging off) every-so-often to investigate a wonderful smell (debatable) or a mis-formed leaf or something. I am VERY very pleased.


There is no phone. It�s a bit like the matrix in that sense. There is a phone�just not here. So, instead I have a pay as you go SIM inserted in my dad�s old phone and I have to do that crappy �buying of credit� that I haven�t had to do in years.

I WANT MY NEW PHONE!!!! In all it�s shiny silver and orange-ness! I neeeeeeed it to live!

Seriously though, I�ve been sans-phone (sorry Kate�but I LOVE adding French words into sentences�maybe it�s why we fit together so well?) for two days now. Thursday, the day of losing the phone and yesterday, the day of no-phone-whatsoever. I had no way of knowing the time at lunch yesterday so I stayed in (by the way�how knackered was I yesterday? I�m not made for 7am starts at work and hot HOT offices that just make me want to sleeeeeep), I had no idea if I was going to make it to the train so I RAN all the way there and when I sat down I started to write but my eyes got all hot and pulsatey (ick ick ick) and I had to close them and let them water for a while*�and then all night long Matt kept saying �what time is it?� (as he does) and I kept saying �I don�t know!� and then using the remote control to find out�and then this morning I had no way of knowing the time in bed, or setting an alarm for after Matt had gone to paintball�I consequently wandered in the field with Fletch for an hour and a half because I wasn�t sure how long I�d been and didn�t want to skimp on his walk. I need a phone!!! Or�a watch maybe.

Having this phone of Dad�s is good though�he was going through it clearing out anything incriminating before giving it to me (yes�he actually said that�I guess that when you�re on the brink of a divorce it doesn�t really matter if you give a few secrets away�like the fact the there IS something to hide�bad dad!) and came across loads of pictures. The best one was one of my Nan and Grandpa at their last anniversary. It was November 2004 and a picture of both of them together. I can�t believe how good Grandpa looked and how quickly he deteriorated in a year. I guess that when the picture was taken, even though he was ill and stayed in all the time, he still had my Nan. She looks very well and I still can�t believe that either of them are gone. It�s good to have found such a nice picture of them together.

* This is bad�I finish work at 4pm, and my train leaves the station at 4.05�the station is a 4 minute walk from work�so if I don�t get out bang on 4 then I have to be speed racer (go speed go!) on foot and scamper all the way there. It�s not so bad but I use a flight of stairs to cut out part of the journey, but I run up these and then, by the time I get to the train my stair climbing catches up with me and I go super hot and have to strip off my coat and all non-essential layers and go �huff huff huff� (that�s me breathing hard and in a controlled way) with a bright red face. The main reason for my mid-note is this�surely I am doing myself damage? The eye thing can�t be right�after a modicum of exertion I should NOT have to close my eyes for fear of them pulsating out of my head! Should I? I think an overall fitness overhaul is needed. Now that Fletch is a good dog and walks at heel I may (or may not) begin running with him.


Hee hee�Fletch has been running round my parent�s house like a mad thing, really pissing Sally (fat golden retriever) off by sticking his head right under her tail (dirty puppy!) or charging at her and barking�I was starting to get pissed off with having to get up every 5 minutes to shout �NO! YOU DO NOT DO THAT!��so I cleared off the armchair in the hall (it�s the cat�s favourite sleeping spot) and showed it to him�now he�s curled up on there having a nap and behaving very well�once more, I am pleased :o)

I am...The LOUBEE!
Commissioned from:
Last Lemon Productions!

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