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stuff about me
my lil sis's diary
ma kate's diary
zoe's diary!


...has been a while... - 11.02.2007
Lots of bollocks about tattoos and piercings... - 14.01.2007
Hip Hop Happy New Year! (a photo entry) - 06.01.2007
I look Eastern....apparently - 13.12.2006

About Me

My name is louisa, lou, loubee, lube, loubeedoo, loulou le bleu moo moo poo too...thanks kate...I'm 24, from Birmingham, I kinda live with my boyfriend and our 15 month old staffy puppy (fletch)...I'm messed up and full of rage, confident, and outgoing, but shy and a loner at the same time. I'm weird. And I'm proud of it. I waffle too much and I use weird punctuation far too frequently. You don't have to be mental to understand me, but it helps...



I can't remember what I just wrote about...

...written on 06.03.2006, @ 11:47 p.m.

Wow�I�ve had such a good weekend! I�m really glad I had two days off work. I needed it so badly. I�m getting really fed up of it; I need some stimulation, brain style. Anyway, today has just been brilliant so far. I dropped Matt off at Tim�s this morning (the Big Guy is back from Portugal again!! I wish Matt had a passport so we could go see HIM!) then headed off and had a wonderful couple of hours drinking coffee and writing, then trawling round the shops.

I used to write in coffee shops all the time at Uni (no coffee shop beats the Starbucks in Bradford�s Waterstones�not for the coffee (starbucks isn�t good) but for the coziness, the ambiance (sp?)�being able to spy on people down below in the bookstore! It�s ace!) but I don�t really get the chance now (what with having to work and all), so today, I did it! The only problem is, when you want to do that, using your laptop is pretty difficult so you have to get back to basics with some hardcore pen on paper action�So I also got to buy a notebook! Joy!!! I�m obsessed with notebooks�I have no idea why. I�ve got loads of them, most of them still completely blank. It�s a bit like a conspiracy theory thing of mine, except, instead of buying copies of the Catcher in the Rye, I buy notebooks.

I also got to buy (seamless link) a SpongeBob DVD! and I�ll torture Matt with that later :o)

So yeah, I sat in the coffee shop and wrote and wrote about me�I�m planning on jumping on the band wagon and writing an entry that tells more about me than just my (sort of) daily entries. I�ve enjoyed reading other people�s and it might jut be fun to write :o) I�ve been toying with the idea for a while so maybe I�ll commit it to laptop soon?


I�ve been messing around with the juggling balls that Matt bought me a while ago. I�ve wanted a good set for ages and these ones (white�gorgeous) are lovely and squishy and shiny and nice. I�m doing pretty well and I reckon that with a bit of practice I could be as good as I used to be, and maybe even start learning other ways of juggling (I didn�t even KNOW there were other ways of juggling before me and Matt become regulars at the juggling shop, buying diabolo string every five minutes!) and then maybe even think about juggling with Steph (who has her own new diary). She�s really really good�I think she�s managed to do about 150 catches during one juggling session�no dropping!!! Wow�I can�t even manage 15 without dodging and ducking all over the place and performing a masterful �ball clonking on head� finale.


I had some very strange dreams the other night�first of all I dreamt that my plug had come out of the stretch in my earlobe. I had woken up (yes, in my dream�very disorientating) and it was missing from my ear so I was running round, headless-chicken stylee, with my little finger wodged through the hole (I could feel the nail and it tugging as I walked around and everything, I must have been pulling on my plug in my sleep � ooh err indeed!) trying to find something to put in it, thinking how mad Matt was going to go that I�d lost one.

I�ve been really paranoid that they�re going to come out recently, mainly because they don�t feel secure�I know they are though, because it fucking hurt putting them in, so they must be toight, like a toiger.

I also dreamt that I was sitting with a friend (someone who doesn�t even exist, to my knowledge, in the real world) wearing cut off jeans when all of a sudden I realised that my legs were like coconut mats; as hairy as a footballers! I had a major panic and it was awful in that bad dream, pathetic-worry kind of way�I think (i.e. know) it�s a paranoia from not really bothering to de-fuzz my legs during the winter (really, what�s the point in shaving? I always make painful slices in my knees and heels anyway!) so�matt sometimes says (and mostly I just WORRY that he's going to say) things like �Show so-and-so your cherries�� (that�s the tattoo on my ankle; I know how many perverted innuendos will spring from that sentence if I don�t make that clear!) and I end up going �Argh! Hairy legs hairy legs!� (in my head of course) and hence I have nightmares of going out in public without remembering, and fully displaying, my hairy secret!!!

What am I to do with this brain inside my head? It's out to drive me mad, I just KNOW it is!


To conquer the brain-fucked-up-ness, I have JOY! and above all, I have rapture! (there's the B-F-U-ness again!)Someone got to my diary through searching �Ozzie Osborne biting head off bat�! I�m very pleased and happy and things of that nature! Can you tell how little it takes to brighten up my day? I have no idea if it's even someone who reads my diary, but it means that I may (or may not, but really, who cares?) have written about something that is worth googling! Woohoo! :o)

Happy! Happy!
Joy! Joy!


I am...The LOUBEE!
Commissioned from:
Last Lemon Productions!

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